Veilstone Game Corner(トバリゲームコーナーTobari Game Corner) is a game corner in the Sinnoh region, located in Veilstone City. The Game Corner differs from the European to the American and Japanese versions. The American and Japanese Game Corners feature 16 slot machines. The European version features Game Machines. In order to play at the Game Corner, a Coin Case is needed.

Pokemon Yellow Game Corner Slot Machine Cheat



  • Words that are in BOLD face shows that it is an item
  • Words that are UNDERLINED shows that it is a location

It's A Big One

Celadon City is the largest city in the world of Pokemon. It's PokeMart has 6 stories; no wonder it needs an elevator! They sell all sorts of stuff. On the third floor, a guy will give you TM 18 - Counter. The sixth floor has refreshment machines and a very thirsty little girl. Buy all 3 drinks and an extra Fresh Water to give to those thirsty Saffron entrance guards. Give the other refreshments to the thirsty little girl and in return she'll give you a TM13 - Ice Beam, TM48 - Rock Slide, and TM49 - Tri Attack.

Celadon Mansion

The huge mansion to the left of the department store has a secret entrance in the rear. Inside you will find an Eevee. If you go in the front, you will find the game's programmers, one of which will tell you to return after getting all 150 Pokemon. He'll give you a diploma for catching all the Pokemon.

Other Stuff


The house under the Game Corner has a man who'll give you a Coin Case to carry your coins. The house by the Game Corner is accessible only by Surfing across the water. The man in front of it will give you a TM 41 - Softboiled for your troubles though.

Game Corner

Now go to the Game Corner, a place full of slot machines. Team Rocket made it, and you win or buy coins in order to trade it in for Pokemon and TMs. A few people will give you free coins, and there are invisible coins scattered on the ground. At the top of the Game Corner, battle a Rocket member, and push the button on the poster.

After that, you'll be going through four floors, battling Rocket members and collecting valuble items. To open the gates to the elevator, beat the Rocket in the 4th basement and then talk to him afterwards. Before confronting Giovanni you'll have to battle Jessie and James again (Yellow only). Then you can go battle Giovanni and recover the Silph Scope. Gym Battle!

After beating Giovanni in the Game Corner, head to the gym by cutting the tree. Here you will battle Erika and other trainers, who all use grass-type Pokemon. Beating her earns you TM 21 - Mega Drain and the Rainbow Badge! Next, head toLavender Town's Pokemon Tower with your Silph Scope and battle all the trainers and ghost Pokemon. Gary will battle you at the second floor. Go to the top floor, talk to Fuji, and he'll give you the PokeFlute.

Pokemon Center Slot Machine


  • TM 18 - Counter
  • TM 13 - Ice Beam
  • TM 48 - Rock Slide
  • TM 49 - Tri Attack
  • Coin Case
  • TM 41 - Softboiled
  • TM 07 - Horn Drill
  • TM 10 - Double-Edge
  • Silph Scope
  • Moon Stone
  • TM 21 - Mega Drain
  • Rainbow Badge